
Amanda Padilha is more than perfect!

As usual, Testosterona brings together some posts with beautiful women from Brazil and the world, that’s why we bring you the sensual test of another one of our Testosterona Girls wonders: Amanda Padilha

Age: 25 years
Where was born: Porto Alegre – RS
Where do you live: Eastern City – Paraguay
Instagram: @djmargot

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What do you work with and for how long?

Amanda Padilha: I’ve always worked as a photographic model but currently I’ve been working as a DJ for about a year.

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What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to be with friends drinking good drinks and listening to music.

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Why did you decide to start working on your sensual side Amanda Padilha?

I’ve always been very insecure about my body because I’m more “mignon”. And working on my sensual side has shown me that I’m beautiful just the way I am and accepting myself more.

Have you ever suffered any prejudice for this? If yes, how do you handle it?

Yeah, but I’ve never been much of a carer about other people’s opinions. People will always criticize you, so I never stopped doing what I wanted.

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Did you like the result of the photos for the Blog? Did it feel good?

Amanda Padilha: Ameiiiiiii, I felt really good. And I hope you like it too.

Did you know Testosterone how?

I found out a few years ago on Twitter, in fact, I even participated in posts by readers and in some hashtags like #quartadasbrunettes, lol!

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What do you like most about the blog?

Amanda Padilha: The fact that it covers several subjects without taboo or mimimi.

What’s the weirdest situation you’ve ever been in while shooting?

Thank God I never experienced anything embarrassing, everything was always very professional.

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What was the place where you most enjoyed photographing?

It was definitely the sensual rehearsal at Praia do Estaleirinho-SC, it was incredible. Photographed at dawn.

Amanda Padilha, do you have any professional dreams?

My dream at the moment is to do music production so that in a while I can be playing my songs all over the world.

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Who are your inspirations and references?

Deborah de Lucca, Nina Kraviz and Charlotte Whitte.

Do you have any fetishes?

Amanda Padilha: Find out!

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Amanda Padilha, how is your relationship with your fans/followers?

So, I have a very close relationship with my fans because I’m a DJ and I’m always close to them, I love this affection and this exchange of energy that we have on the dance floor.

What kind of messages do you receive most in your inbox?

Amanda Padilha: Thank God for so many compliments and questions related to music.

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What kind of music do you like to listen to?

Definitely electronic music, but I’m very eclectic offstage: I love Rap, acoustic music, voice and guitar.

What do you like to watch?

Amanda Padilha: Football as a good gremista that I am, I always support my team.

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Are you single Amanda Padilha?

Single yes, never alone because God is with me, lol!

If you could create your ideal love match, which 3 qualities would you choose?

Funny, charismatic, romantic.

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Meet photographer Paulo Junior

Name: Paulo Junior
Age: 31
Instagram: @paulojuniorfotografia

Since when do you photograph sensual shoots?

I’ve been working with photography for 3 years, but I decided to focus only on sensual shoots 2 years ago

Is it your main job or hobby?

It’s a second profession and it’s still a hobby because I really like to photograph

Do you have any specific project?

No specific project, more the niche of sensual essays.

What do you consider to be the biggest challenge in making sexy photos?

Keeping the model safe is almost always a challenge, but as the shoot progresses, she becomes more comfortable.

What was it like taking the photos of Amanda Padilha?

It was very cool! Amanda is very outgoing and we always laugh out loud, it was so much fun photographing her!

What or who do you like to use as references for your work?

In the past there were some references but today I try to make my work as authentic as possible, and also portray the models as they are and how they would like to see themselves.

Did you already know Testosterone?

I found the blog a few years ago and today I am happy to photograph for the blog!

With you, Amanda Padilha naked:

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Do you want to participate in Testosterona Girls as a model or photographer? Contact us!

  • See more essays, nude women and famous nudes on Testosterone

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