
Aricia Silva naked in a photo shoot

Aricia Silva naked in a photo shoot

Images of ex-panicat and “A Fazenda” model Aricia Silva naked in daring photos to make anyone’s mouth water!

The former panicat is pointed out as one of the pivots in the separation of Mayra Cardi and Arthur Aguiar. In an audio, Mayra revealed that Arthur was paying in dollars for the visit of the girl from the South to Rio. She and Arthur followed each other on social media, and Arícia was in a fancy apartment in Rio at the same time as Mayra’s discovery. To the columnist, Mayra was silent when asked if Arthur’s lover was Arícia.

The ex-panicat Aricia Silva returned to the subject after Mayra Cardi exposed messages between her and Arthur Aguiar, which would be proof of one of the alleged betrayals of the actor.

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