
Camila Amaral – Attracting passionate glances

As usual, Testosterona brings together some posts with beautiful women from Brazil and the world, so we bring you the sensual test of another one of our Testosterone Girls wonders: Camila Amaral.

Name: camila amaral
Age: 26 years
City: Ponta Grossa – PR
Instagram: @camilaamaral__
Twitter: @kimmyamaral

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camila amaral

Camila is a model, makeup artist and also has a law degree. However, she has been following Testosterone for some time and today we proudly present her in the Testosterone Girls project.

What do you work with and for how long?

In addition to modeling, makeup artist and thrift store jobs, I currently work in my area of ​​training. I graduated in Law at the end of 2017 and I am doing a postgraduate degree in Environmental Law.

How would you define yourself?

Undeniably “From sex appeal to drama.”, this is my catchphrase, which already sums me up quite a bit, I am a mixture of sensuality, attitude, drama, indecision and courage. Born Cancerian with rising in Sagittarius and Moon in Gemini, right?

What do you like to do in your free time?

First, I always try to be with the people I love and want close. I like to be around listening to music, being in contact with nature, writing. I love the beach and waterfall. Self portraits. Get off the roll. Drive aimlessly.

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Camila Amaral, when and why did you decide to start working on your sensual side?

Well, then, I was always very showy, I always liked to show off and attract attention. As a teenager I was bullied and I was never considered the prettiest girl in school, but I always liked taking pictures, whether being clicked or self-portraits.

In 2016, in a process of re-accepting my body, I decided to do a rehearsal and I liked the result. I had forgotten how wonderfully good I felt modeling and seeing the result afterwards, since then I haven’t stopped with jobs. It is a director to be able to sharpen the senses and awaken sensations through art.

Do you consider yourself an exhibitionist?

YEA! VERY! I love to attract looks, sharpen senses, provoke sensations, feel wanted. It’s something that messes with my ego too much.

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Have you ever suffered any prejudice for this?

Yes. The world is not yet ready for self-assured women.

Do you think there is still a lot of prejudice against women who do sensual shoots?

Yes. I see a lot of taxation and sexualization. Sexy rehearsals are not invitations.

What was the place where you most enjoyed photographing?

With all the certainty in the world, on the beach. Floripa <3 I accept invitations, see guys?!

Do you have any professional dreams?

Yes I have. I’m treading to conquer them.

camila amaral

Who are your inspirations and references?

Firstly, I’ve been trying to inspire myself. Being a better person than I was yesterday is something that has inspired me.

Reference? Hmmmmm, questions like that give my tic and teco a tilti and I brake… but, I have so many wonderful women that I use as a reference that the list would be quite long…

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Camila Amaral, do you have a fetish that you can tell us about?

Ayyyyyyyyy! Several haven’t been made yet, like ménage, swing house, I’m very curious. But, you know that little choke that almost takes your breath away? So it is.

How is your relationship with your fans/followers?

Ahh, we have a very good relationship! I am grateful for the people who dedicate a little time of their lives to read and see my content, who accompany me and put up with my crazy things. It’s us!

What kind of messages do you receive most in your inbox?

Hahahaha, that’s easy, compliments, sung, indecent proposals that are blocked at the time, questions for tips, advice…

Is there anything you’ve always wanted to say but never had the chance?

Look, I don’t spare my tongue, see?! I think sometimes I even say what I shouldn’t.

camila amaral

What kind of music do you like to listen to?

Rap, HipHop, Jazz, Blues, MPB, Samba, Soul, Rock… I’m pretty eclectic, but you won’t find sertanejo in my playlist, rarely funk or electronic music, let alone pagode.

What song can’t be missing from a Camila Amaral playlist to have sex?

Chet Faker, Two Feet, songs that have a feeling and automatically bring you to the climax.

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Indicate a movie and/or a series that you love

I’m not currently watching any, but I really like documentaries about serial killers, series that tell the stories of people who marked the world and that movie “The well” watch and try to learn a lesson from it. Very good.

Which book has scored the most?

Dangerous minds: the psychopath lives next door.

Camila Amaral, did you like the result of the photos for the Blog? Did it feel good?

Yes, I was really happy with the result! Super, I thought they turned out beautiful. I can’t wait to see you around here again.

Did you know Testosterone how?

So, I’ve known and visited the blog for a few years now, it’s an honor to be able to participate. Because I love this Universe of Sexuality, I like that Testosterone brings subjects for all genders and tastes.

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Are you single?

Yes, because Fernanda Young said “it’s like having a Rolls Royce, if you don’t want to pay the maintenance price, change to a Passat.”

What is the secret to conquering Camila Amaral?

A beard for me to run my hand over is already a start to be noticed, the achievement depends on several factors, but chivalry, perfume in the right measure, height, are extra points.

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What qualities do you most admire in people?

Sincerity. Empathy. Education. Honesty.

Leave a message for our readers:

So, get rid of the taboos and ties of a hypocritical society that condemns you for being free. Be free! Touch each other! Love each other! Love your bodies!

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Meet the photographer of this shoot

Name: Cassio
Age: 24 years
Instagram: @cassio_pgcity

Since when do you photograph sensual shoots?
A year and a half ago in this area.

Is it your main job or hobby?
It’s for work. I actually love what I do!

Is there prejudice against photographers and models who make sensual content in your opinion?
Exists. In fact, it has never been easy, whether for the male or female audience.

Do you have a photo project you want to share with us?
I have. I’m studying arts to put in sexy essays. I want to put together a style aimed at fashion but mixed with sensuality. Something more fashion-forward and not so daring.

What do you consider to be the biggest challenge in making sexy photos?
Not really, if you have a goal here, never mind make it happen!

What was it like taking the photos for this shoot with Camila Amaral?
It was quiet. There is freedom to take pictures, I think we managed to bring a good result.

Indicate someone from the environment that you admire the work
I admire Rafael Edison. He makes videos and photos for the fashion world.

Did you already know Testosterone?
No, but Camila Amaral presented it to me and I thought it was fantastic.

More Camila Amaral

Did you like the rehearsal with Camila Amaral? So leave your opinion in the comments!

Do you want to participate in Testosterona Girls as a model or photographer? Contact us!

  • See more essays, nude women and famous nudes on Testosterone

Finally, don’t tell us your impressions about the post with Camila Amaral Nua, it’s very important to know what our readers think.

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