
Caroline Trevisan likes to live intensely

As usual, Testosterona brings together some posts with beautiful women from Brazil and the world, so we bring you the sensual test of another one of our Testosterona Girls wonders: Caroline Trevisan

Age: 24 years
City: Sao Paulo
Instagram: @catrevisann
Twitter: @cashowww

Caroline Trevisan

Caroline Trevisan
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What do you work with and for how long?

I graduated in psychology in the middle of 2019. I’ve been working in my training area for four years, within corporate HR, with corporate psychology. Currently, in addition to regular work, I also work with professional photography and Instagram, which became paid almost two years ago. I live the best of both worlds between Instagram and Linkedin, lol!

How would Caroline Trevisan define herself?

Intense! I don’t think anything defines me anymore. I live everything to the extreme, which consequently either makes me very good or makes me very bad.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I really like video games! My room is all themed with Mario Bros and Pokémon, lol. When I’m not reading about subjects in my area, I end up watching gameplays (mainly Alanzoka).

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Caroline TrevisanqWhen and why did you decide to start working on your sensual side?

I can say that I’ve been working on my sensual side since I was 18. I always liked flashy clothes and pieces that valued my body. A few years ago there wasn’t the same freedom that we women have today. So I often endured insults and name-calling simply because I enjoyed exploring sensuality. I can say that my liberation with this was from the moment I started doing sexy shoots and inspiring other women to be whatever they want to be.

Do you consider yourself an exhibitionist?

Caroline Trevisan: Yes! Exposure and exhibitionism appear the moment you wear more daring clothes, so I can say that I do consider myself. I don’t see a problem, we are all wonderful, intelligent, sensual women, and one thing doesn’t cancel out the other.

Have you ever suffered any prejudice for this?

Ever! As much as things have improved, women are very judged and annulled for being free and exercising power over their own bodies. Bullshit as always!

Do you think there is still a lot of prejudice against women who do sensual shoots?

Yea! Many people interpret the sensual shoot as the woman taking the photos for others, and never for them.

What was the place where you most enjoyed photographing?

Caroline Trevisan In the shower lol! But I also really enjoyed the experience of being photographed in Independence Park, here in São Paulo.

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Do you have any professional dreams?

Caroline Trevisan: Growing up in my area! Continue with photography and Instagram as far as God wants, lol.

Who are your inspirations and references?

I don’t have any specifics, believe me? My tastes keep changing so I never have a fixed inspiration.

Caroline Trevisan, Do you have a fetish you can tell us about?

Boleto paid and reciprocal love, lol.

How is your relationship with your fans/followers?

I answer whenever I get people who really treat me with respect and enjoy my work, whether in any of the fields. Sometimes because of the rush I can’t give the attention I’d like, but I always manage to be considerate with everyone.

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What kind of messages do you receive most in your inbox?

Positive: Admiration

Negative: Send nude?

Is there anything you’ve always wanted to say but never had the chance?

If I could give advice to every human being on the planet, it would be LIVE AND BE FREE! However, if it harms a third party in the story, review what you might be doing wrong. I’m in favor of all of us being happy as long as it doesn’t mess up someone else’s life.

What kind of music do you like to listen to?

I’m in love with old hits! This includes disco and love songs, like Elvis.

What song can’t be missing from a playlist to have sex?

Caroline Trevisan: Anyone from the Arctic Monkeys.

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Indicate a movie and/or a series that you love

Movie: Halloween (all of them)

Series: The Haunting of Hill House

Which book has scored the most? Why?

I really like “Other Ways to Use Your Mouth”. Because it talks about endings, beginnings and overcoming obstacles, the language of the book left a deep impression on me and helped me in delicate moments.

Did you like the result of the photos for the Blog? Did it feel good?

Yea! Any job I do with Fernando I’m satisfied, there’s no mistake!

Did you know Testosterone how?

I met him through a post by Fernando once. I believe it was a Sabrina Scarsi essay. Before, I had heard the name of the blog but not the purposes.

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Is there a blog post that marked you?

I really liked the post that addresses movies to understand the problem of Racism.

What do you like most about the blog?

Caroline Trevisan: I like the diversity of content! You find hot women but also different subjects.

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Are you single?


What’s the secret to winning you over?

So, I believe that just being respectful and not looking like a desperate person helps.

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What qualities do you most admire in people?

Loyalty, respect, loyalty and respect, lol.

Leave a message for our readers

Always be the best version you can! Respect, understand, reflect. The world already has too many scrotum people for you to be one more.

About the photographer Fernando de Santis

Name: fernando santis
Age: 40 years
Instagram: @desantisph

Since when do you photograph sensual shoots?

I always lose count, but it’s been like five or six years.

Is it your main job or hobby?

Work and hobby. I work as a systems analyst, but photography is my job. I earn good money on this, and at the same time I get pleasure from it, I love to photograph.

Is there prejudice against photographers and models who make sensual content in your opinion?

There is, there is. Machismo is intrinsic in people, especially in older ones. I always try to explain that it’s a normal job, and that the women take the pictures because they want to, and they don’t owe anyone anything. It’s a daily struggle, which we are conquering space little by little.

Do you have a photo project you want to share with us?

I have a personal project, called f 2.8, where I put an essay and my thoughts to the test. A new edition comes out every month, starting in January 2020.

What do you consider to be the biggest challenge in making sexy photos?

It’s still prejudice. From men who think the session is whoring “let me go there as an assistant and hold the lighting”, or from women who judge the others who pose “ah, they are all whores”. For my part, the difficulty is explaining to the girls that the standards were created by men, but that they can be as they want and understand.

What was it like taking the photos for this shoot?

Carol Trevisan is the model. I usually say that she is my role model, not in the sense of ownership, but whenever I have an idea, I call her, tell her, she considers it and always agrees. I have a great synergy with Cacá, we already know each other very well, there’s a lot of trust on both sides. So photographing her is easy. We did this session in quarantine, with all the WHO protections, it was great to take pictures again and see a friend!

Indicate someone from the environment that you admire the work:

I will indicate a great inspiration of mine: the German photographer, Helmut Newton, who was born in 1920 and died in 2004. Because he explored the world of nudism and eroticism in photography, I really like to see his books, I’m always drinking inspirations. It’s a lot of art, a lot of history. I recommend the search.

Did you already know Testosterone?

Yes, this is already my fourth published essay. And there’s more to come, right?

With you, Caroline Trevisan naked:

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  • See more essays, nude women and famous nudes on Testosterone

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