
English teacher Cibelly Ferreira in sexy photos and videos

English teacher Cibelly Ferreira in sexy photos and videos

Photos and videos of famous Tiktok English teacher Cibelly Ferreira showing off with sexy nudes

English teacher Cibelly Ferreira, 29, decided to approach social media trends to teach at her own language school in the city of Lavras (MG). The professional, who has been working in the business for 11 years, started doing TikTok-inspired dances with her own students, children and teenagers and has been successful on social networks.

In addition to the dances, Cibelly also decided to bet on another methodology to attract students — this time with a focus on the adult universe.

Called “Prof’s Private”, she also teaches English online, but with a bonus: through a private account, she makes “more sensual” photos available.

“Actually, it has nothing of an erotic nature. It’s just for adults who want to learn and see some pictures of me that I wouldn’t post on my Instagram feed. It’s a way I used to earn extra income”, she says.

The idea came after some requests for her to create an account where she would post more sensual content.

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