
Erotic Capital – When beauty matters…

Beauty is a relative factor, but it is a universal thought. Today’s theme is Erotic Capital.


Erotic Capital – When beauty matters… 5

Erotic Capital

English historian Arthur Marwick (1936–2006), author of two volumes on the history of beauty, published in London including, A History of Human Beauty, says that, barring minor variations, perceptions of who is beauty in the west has changed very little since ancient times, and beauty has always been valued. Compared to other historical changes, changes in beauty standards are practically insignificant. The beauties of earlier centuries would be considered attractive today as well and would take advantage of it, as they did in the past.

Catherine Hakim, professor at the Center for Policy Studies, in London, in a book published last year (Best.Business publisher), whose name is “Erotic Capital. Specialist in labor market sociology, female labor force and theories about the position of women in society, she theorizes about what she calls the fourth capital, the erotic capital, as powerful as the other three.

According to Catherine Hakim, “Women said exploiting beauty is dishonest🇧🇷 The author blames feminists for reinforcing male domination by denying women the recognition and use of their erotic power.

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What does Erotic Capital mean?

This concept transcends the concept of physical beauty and attractiveness as understood in common sense. To describe it as an attribute that many people possess, also to a greater or lesser extent, and which concerns the set of six elements that coexist in each individual interdependently, at varying levels. Furthermore, the harmony between these elements constitutes a facet, in itself, of the erotic capital itself. Such elements, according to the author, include:

Physical beauty, but also sex appeal, social energy, charisma, the ability to dress well and sexuality. This author understands erotic capital as a new type of symbolic capital, along the lines of what Bourdieu (2002) points out about cultural, social and economic capital.

Hakim mentions the 6 elements that make up the Erotic Capital:
  1. Beauty
  2. sexual attraction
  3. Social Attraction
  4. Energy and Vivacity
  5. Presentation
  6. Sexuality or Sexual Potential

The book

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In this book, attractive people are more successful. Science guarantees (Best Business, 336 pages), the author explores the applications and importance of its discovery, challenging the social stigma given to those who use it in the workplace.

Catherine Hackim has caused controversy in publishing and the ire of feminists with her book “Capital Erótico” (Best Business), which has just been released in Brazil. Swimming against the current, the work argues that women should use their power of seduction in the name of a career. Catherine also raises the idea that beautiful and attractive people tend to be more successful in their fields.

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Hakim explains that erotic capital is an advantageous weapon for anyone, of any gender, especially those with less possibility of access to economic capital (money), human capital (education and training) and social capital (good contacts). In the book, she tries to explain why women still profit less from their erotic capital than men. “My answer is that patriarchal men try to prevent women from gaining benefits from their erotic capital. And, unfortunately, radical feminists have swallowed patriarchal ideology rather than rejecting it.” But she also claims that, men are free to use their erotic capital and they do it all the time: in private life, to conquer women; in public life, to get promotions, raises or win elections. And they are not criticized for these actions. “As a result, attractive men earn 17% more than those who are not,” she assures her.

The writer says that, “Beauty and charm are valuable commodities, which are in short supply in any society”

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