
Gisele Maria – A blonde who knows what she wants

Name: Gisele Maria
City: Jose Boiteux (SC)


Gisele Maria

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For those who don’t know you, tell us a little about yourself:

First, pleasure Gisele! Rs … graduated in Administration, civil servant and model. I am a person who likes to take life as lightly as possible, without judgments! Extremely friendly, affectionate and friendly, I spare no effort to help. I’m authentic and I hate people with mimimi… no patience for it. I really believe in people’s energy and when it doesn’t hit, there’s no way!

Gisele Maria, dwrite yourself in three words:

Authentic, bold, ambitious.

What has changed in your life after the first rehearsal here at Bella da Semana?

Posing for Bella was a very private thing for me. Since my childhood I had acceptance problems with myself and, consequently, with others. It messed with me a lot, I felt ugly, without chest rsss (I didn’t really have it). After the rehearsal came a lot of criticism, because I live in a very small town and people weren’t used to it, but it opened my mind, which is the most important thing! I started to think differently. I met different people, with ideas way above mine, and that made me want more! Today I am proud of my entire trajectory.

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Besides being a model, do you have another profession?

Yes, I am a civil servant

You drove fans wild during the rehearsal live stream. How was it to participate in this experience?

Indescribable! Just to think that subscribers would be seeing it all live, wow!! It made my stomach flutter, but I focused on rehearsal and on how I could deliver the best of me.

When it comes to football, do you support a team?

I don’t follow, but I’m Flamenguista.


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Gisele Maria, andThis is the second time you’ve posed for Bella Club. What is the difference between this new essay and the old one?

The first time I was very shy because I was inexperienced and I wasn’t sure, now I’m a woman and I know what I want, so zero shyness.

Gisele Maria, you are soooo hot! Tell us what changed in your routine:

HAHAHA hot is it? Great! I always took care of myself, I like it! But what really changed was physical activity aligned with a diet.


What part of your body do you like the most?

I like the set, but my eyes always arrive before me.. rss. I like my eyes.

Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you?

I never did! I had no interest, only invitations.

Tell us what makes Gisele Maria very excited?

A deep look.

What do you think of female masturbation?

Very important! I like it a lot.

Gisele Maria nua

Do you like sex toys? Which?

I like it a lot! I have vibrators, plugs.

What’s the most exotic place you’ve had sex?

vixx.. I want to, but I never did! believe?!

Anal sex, do you like it or not?

love it! But with the person I have a relationship with, a hookup doesn’t have that right.


Gisele Maria nua

In bed, what is Gisele Maria’s favorite position?

The so famous of 4.

Have you ever been with another woman? would you?

I did not stay. If I’m interested in one, I don’t see a problem.

What are your plans for the near future?

Open my own business.

Leave a message for our readers:

My loves! I want to thank you for the affection I’ve been receiving since the live. I received many messages on my IG reporting the 48 hours of live available, rssss! According to them, there were many tributes. I did this shoot with all the love and affection, I hope you like it and enjoy it a lot. A thousand kisses from Gi

Gisele Maria Bella da Semana

Gisele Maria Bella da Semana

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