

Published on 2019/06/17
A video that pretends to be a “test” of Boston Dynamics has been viralized due to the “mistreatment”suffered by the robot, as if it had feelings. What seems to be the beginning of Skynet where the robots will reveal themselves and dominate the world, is nothing more than a parody in which some CGI has been used. Many media have not seen the whole video and, pulling pure and hard sensationalism, have focused on appealing to the pity that gives the robot while being submitted by its creators.

This one is a Boston Dynamics video test where they test and improve the response of their robots.

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And in today’s “Hotties and beautiful and their Instagram accounts”… Sharlena Hassani.

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Una publicación compartida de Sharlena 🦋 (@sharlenahassani) el 12 May, 2019 a las 12:31 PDT

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Una publicación compartida de Sharlena 🦋 (@sharlenahassani) el 2 Jun, 2019 a las 11:11 PDT

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Una publicación compartida de Sharlena 🦋 (@sharlenahassani) el 4 May, 2019 a las 5:28 PDT

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Una publicación compartida de Sharlena 🦋 (@sharlenahassani) el 12 Abr, 2019 a las 12:39 PDT

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Una publicación compartida de Sharlena 🦋 (@sharlenahassani) el 4 Ene, 2019 a las 3:06 PST

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Una publicación compartida de Sharlena 🦋 (@sharlenahassani) el 31 Oct, 2018 a las 4:13 PDT

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Una publicación compartida de Sharlena 🦋 (@sharlenahassani) el 27 Jul, 2018 a las 4:36 PDT


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Knowing Yana… Trapped in the window… and the unstoppable Gabbie Carter.

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