

Published on 2021/11/05

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you like a woman in an outfit? Whether it’s the same woman in a new outfit or a stranger that belongs to a particular profession or club that sports it?
You won’t be surprised to know that there are a number of psychological reasons behind it, some more complex than others, but there is no need to turn this into a tutorial from Sigmund Freud.
You can narrow down your kinky desires to just a few reasons and by the end of this article you will know just how to explore your deepest desires without having to venture out further than your bedroom. Ok, so that sounds obvious, that’s where you generally experience those desires, but you will no longer encounter the difficulty of trying to find someone wearing that outfit and leading them to your bedroom, or have to try and persuade your regular lover to both wear the outfit and play the role to perfection.

So, why do we like costume play?
More Creative Play time
Well, cosplay brings out your playful nature. For some, it’s the necessary trigger to release the hidden characters that lie deeply buried within your psyche. For women especially, changing outfits really helps them get into character. Believe it or not, women are generally far more creative than men, and with that creativity comes a lot of playful fun. If you haven’t noticed, women love to shop, they love a new outfit that makes them feel different, and they love the entire ritual of getting dressed and putting on their makeup. It’s often why women meet up to get ready together before going out.
Men normally shower and are ready in under 15 minutes. A woman will spend more time than this deciding which accessories to wear with their outfit. The point here is that there is an entire side to your woman that is waiting to be explored.

Redefining boundaries
Boundaries are important in any sexual relationship, not only physical ones, but mental ones too. Without them, you could easily introduce dynamics and themes into your relationship that can change how you see yourself, your partner or the relationship. The same of course applies to your partner’s perspective.
Wearing an outfit, however, allows you to extend your boundaries and limit the feelings or thoughts you associate to those experiences, to the outfit. In other words, it creates a separation between you and the scenario you are roleplaying. This is particularly important if you are playing with dynamics centred around age, power, and humiliation.
New kind of Roleplay
Ok, let’s be honest here. Everyone has fantasised about being sexual with someone they have met. When you are having sex with your partner, you are often imagining another woman. It is completely natural and she knows it, but it’s still not advisable to tell her. Even if you get the chance to bed the other woman you’re fantasising about, your mind will simply seek and find a new woman to fantasise about. The reality here is that your mind is always thinking about the next woman you can’t currently have but want. Consider it nature’s way of ensuring that you pass on your seed.
The point here is that wearing a costume and engaging in role play can bring you and your partner back into the present moment. Its the perfect way to make sex feel different and new; to explore the ‘other woman’ with the current woman, so there is no risk of anyone getting hurt.
The need to have ‘someone else’ is so fundamental that some guys are led astray, but luckily, we have a solution for that too – cosplay porn. Your partner may not be into dressing up, perhaps she is too self conscious, or even if she is, her role playing skills don’t really get you there. Well, now you have the perfect solution, a girl ready to wear the outfit and play the role to perfection. The best part is that you can enter the world of virtual reality, so it feels so realistic.

Turning everyday scenarios into sexual encounters
Everyone has been in an ordinary situation and wished it turned out differently and by differently, of course you mean sexual. Everyone has heard of the mile high club and nobody can deny that air hostesses look hot in their outfits. It’s like they hand pick them off the catwalk and line them up on the runway. You can be forgiven for picturing a scene with a somewhat empty cabin, while you’re seated in a lonely aisle at the back of the plane. You notice the hostess giving you the eye when performing her mandatory flight safety demonstration, and it leads to something very steamy when you press your service bell after take-off.
The chances of that happening in real life are slimmer than the hostess, but at least the uniform is fairly cheap to buy. There are literally thousands of ordinary scenarios to play with and wearing a costume lets you turn the ordinary into something sexually perverse and satisfying, so what are you waiting for?

A New Kind Of Naughty’
Last, but not least, you just feel sexier when you’ve got a cool uniform and you feel the part. Your partner will be feeling your parts too, once she takes sight of you. Everything feels better when you feel sexy and in control. It’s an amazing way to surprise your partner and who doesn’t like surprises? One thing is for certain, a good surprise leads to more surprises, so get undressed, redressed, and, well, undressed again – it’s worth it!

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