
Julha – Sensually aggressive!

Name: Julha (Julia Reis)
Age: 24
City: Sao Paulo
Profession: audiovisual student
Twitter: @_julh4

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This is the first time (of many, I hope) for the wonderful Julha here at Testosterona. And surprisingly, she said that she has been a reader of the blog for many years. The 24-year-old from São Paulo is a student and already has 9 sets published on Suicide Girls. I had a chat with this brunette who is a true show of sympathy and who used sensual photography to discover herself, produce and evolve. Come with me!

As fotos deste post são dos sets: Sun Shower, Little Birds Shoud Stay Away From Big Bad Kitty Cats, Trailer Love e Find The Dragon Balls.




Photo: Pisces

Julha, welcome to Testosterona. First, tell us a little more about yourself?

I started working as a model to build my self-image as a woman, and in the process I literally developed a hard-on for the persona I was able to bring out in front of a camera. Since then, the evolution of my work has become more and more dedicated to the sensuality of a woman who is not necessarily feminine, I always try to show an aggressive look, sensualize and perform.

I cannot disagree, for me their looks convey a sweet aggressiveness. How long have you had a profile on Suicide Girls and what caught your eye on the site?

I’ve been on the site since 2017, and at first what caught my attention was the diversity; For someone who had just come out of a psychiatric hospitalization to arrive to photograph for a company and find fat, thin, black women with shaved hair; This was revolutionary for my silencing view of female nudity.

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Why did you decide to become a Suicide Girl?

I didn’t decide, right, the site administration decided HAHAHAH just kidding, but I really wanted to represent the feminine energy that I bring to my work: imposing, aggressive and expansive. Showing the sensuality of a woman who doesn’t necessarily seek to become attractive through a notion of delicate femininity, you know? That was my will.

Suicide Girls emerged to break patterns. Nowadays most of the models on the site have colored hair and tattoos, do you think the site actually helped to establish a new standard of “alternative model”?

Honestly no. I think the site adapts according to the moment we are living, and now for example the alternative model is very popular, but the alternative that is popular today is a different type of alternative that was popular when they started. Nowadays it’s very unusual to see official Suicide Girls with grills (metal teeth), closed body, implants, this more hardcore alternative image is hard to see there, for example. The pattern of alternativeness varies a lot according to the social propensities of acceptance.

Do you consider yourself an alternative model? Or this classification is not necessary and a model is a model…

I consider myself an alternative model because for me, the alternative is something that necessarily comes to contrast with models who have to work according to an aesthetic pattern, like on the runway and so on. So yes, I would consider my job as alternative.

Tell me something, what does it mean to be sensual in Julha’s vision?

Being sensual is something very particular, what I find sensual another person may not find, so for me I would say that sensuality is in the ability to bring excitement to facial and body expressions, whether in a visceral and obvious way or in a more subtle and delicate way.

Foto: Thimeow

Have you ever suffered any kind of prejudice for doing sexy rehearsals? How to deal with people who do not understand this uncle of work?

Oh, many times. Almost every day there’s someone on social media saying it’s not decent work, but I see it as inevitable. Fortunately or unfortunately, what we do is still shocking for a large part of society that has difficulty seeing a woman earn money with her own body, and even more so without having to touch anyone. We’re creating a new kind of bodywork, where we don’t have to take the physical risk that bodywork has always brought women. So I see this nuisance as a blow that society is experiencing due to the changes that the female image is going through with empowerment.

Julha, and how did you feel when you did your first sensual rehearsal?

It was amazing! The photos from my first shoot are a precious treasure for me, I remember looking at them the first week I received the files and being completely blown away by what I could convey in a photograph. I looked and thought “That’s me! I am myself! I can be pretty!”

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You are beautiful and I love your photos. Do you consider yourself an exhibitionist?

Certainly. I became, because when I did the first rehearsal and opened myself to a more sensual image of myself, I see that I was very withdrawn. After I gave in to the possibilities and to my lust as a woman, I saw how much I liked to be looked at, desired. Today I am very grateful that I discovered this, because it made my work extremely lighter and more pleasurable. I never judged myself, I always feel very powerful thinking that I can earn money showing what I have with great pride.

Among your sets, do you have a favorite for a special reason?

On Suicide Girls my favorite set is the Sun Shower for many reasons. Joyce, the photographer, and I did the set in a matter of 40 minutes with a fluidity that I’ve never been able to work with anyone else. And it’s a masterpiece. The photography on this set is sublime, the color palette, everything! As an artistic work it is my favorite because it conveyed everything I wanted and a little more. I’m so grateful for this set.

Tell us about your tattoos? How many do you have?

Wow, I have no idea the number. Between 35 and 40 tattoos, but my favorite has to be my back after everything I’ve been through hahahah. It’s been over 20 sessions, 130+ hours tattooing and we’re not done yet! The pandemic has slowed down, but it is a closure based on the origin of Dragon Ball, the legend of Son Goku.

Julha – Photo: Kalincamaki

Are you inspired or looking for reference in the work of other models?

When I started, I wouldn’t say that I was inspired, because I think that each one develops a unique work precisely because it brings so much of itself, but I found strength looking and admiring other works that made me vibrate. For example, from Nayru, Milloux, Catarina, Jacqueline, Lagoona, Cleodora.

How is the relationship with your fans and admirers on social networks?

I love talking to everyone, especially fans of Japanese culture like me. I’m always exchanging a lot of ideas about games, anime, movies. The contact with people who consume my work helps me a lot to understand what I’m going through too, many of my OnlyFans clients for example send me messages to tell me what they like and what they think I could improve on the content and I thank you very much for this.

Since you mentioned anime, what are your favorites?

My favorite animes are Dragon Ball, Pilaf’s Saga I love the most, InuYasha and Attack On Titan. But I watch a lot of anime, I’ve seen more than 300.

Are Brazilian fans different from foreign followers?

Yea! Unfortunately I feel that Brazilian fans are more invasive. It’s the type of customer, for example, who keeps sending messages telling us to leave and so on.

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What are your favorite Brazilian SG?

Dawud, Thaecos, Ravenna, Thaiz e Amanda Welp

This is a question readers always ask me. Besides OnlyFans, have you thought about producing content for sites like Pornhub and Xvideos?

I never thought no, the great thing about OnlyFans is having to support our work monetarily to have access to the content, and that attracts me a lot and works as a customer filter: who is willing to pay for your content and who is not. I think sites like Pornhub and Xvideos are very good for mass dissemination, but that would only be beneficial if I had the intention of actually entering the Brazilian porn market, but I have no such interest. I’m an exhibitionist, but I like people to be able to see my boner fluidly and 100% real. I think that within professional production I would definitely find myself in situations where I would have to fake a cum or something, and I don’t feel good about that.

Speaking of pornography, which is a recurring subject here on the blog, are you a porn consumer?

I’ve always really enjoyed watching porn, but as time went by I became much more of the imagination. I’m bisexual, but I have a hard time with straight porn, I’ve always watched only lesbian porn and amateur porn. Nowadays I beat so much siririca recording myself that I don’t even watch it anymore! Laughter!

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What do you like to do in your spare time?

Watch anime, RuPaul and smoke weed

Are you a musical person? What kind of music does Julha like to listen to?

I love to listen to music! I listen to everything, with the exception of funk, sertanejo and forró. I often listen to a lot of Bring Me The Horizon and electronic music. But I need to know new music, in the pandemic of being on the phone so much I’m kind of tired of my sounds hahaha

What tip would you give to a girl who dreams of joining the Suicide Girls?

Don’t pressure yourself and don’t compare yourself. Each woman as a model is unique because each one has something intrinsic to bring, so learn to love yourself and always use other women’s work to give you strength, but never to guide your story.

Julha, thanks for the interview, it was a great pleasure talking to you. In closing, what do you like most about Testosterone??

I love that the blog inspires. I accessed Testosterone a lot before getting into photography, because the articles made me very curious, I spent hours just reading the blogs, whether in the area of ​​models or in the area of ​​male news. It’s a portal that manages to instigate not only the target audience, and I think that’s invaluable!

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