
Laura – the brunette who will make your day better

Name: Laura
Age: 20 years
City: Sao Paulo
Instagram: @itsinkedlaura


Laura – the brunette who will make your day better 8

How would you define yourself?

I would define myself as eclectic ahahah I think that would be the ideal word to define myself. I like a little bit of everything.

Do you study? Already formed?

Laura: I study law. I’m in the 4th semester.

Tell us a little about your activities:

I am currently unemployed but I have always worked in the administrative sector. I also work as a receptionist and model.

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What do you like to do in your free time?

Laura: I really like painting, reading, watching movies and going out, what I do most in my free time is going to raves and weekend parties.

Do you like sports? Do you cheer for any team?

I like to watch football, I don’t have a favorite football team but for some time now I’ve been supporting Corinthians. When I was younger I played volleyball.

What types of movies do you like the most? What are your favorite movies?

Laura: I really like comedy, romance and psychological horror. My favorite movie is “The Great Gatsby”. The story in general fascinates me a lot.

Like series? What are your favorites?

Yes!! I love series, my favorites are House, Grey’s anatomy, Dexter, Friends, Skins and White Collar.

What music style do you listen to the most?

Laura: As I said before, I’m very eclectic. I like almost everything. I listen to a lot of electronic music, old rock, some emos, pop, funk, indie, and now I’m starting to like trap and rap. My favorites are: Linkin Park, Necropsycho, Hyperekplexia , Falling in Reverse and Bring me The Horizon.

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Which book marked you the most?

I definitely think it was the great gatsby. The movie is wonderful but the book is much more complete. What impresses me most in the story is the way he sees the world. That he deals with situations and the way he has hope in some things. I highly recommend.

Who are the people who inspire you?

Laura: My maternal grandparents and my mother. I don’t think there’s anyone who inspires me more than them. My grandparents are the strongest people I’ve ever known, I’ve never seen so much effort, dedication and love together like this. My mother is a difficult person but she works hard and goes after what she wants. She always taught me to be independent and try my best not to need anyone.

Have you been monitoring Testosterone since when?

I’ve been following since I joined the Suicide Girls. One of the girls sent it to me, I thought it was all sensational.

Leave a message for our readers

Laura: I like every single woman would like all edu readers to always remember that women are more than objects. They deserve respect and truth above all else. And besides the weaker sex, we have nothing. I hope they are careful what they do because one day they might get a nasty payback.

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