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“Naked philanthropy” spreads and new models join. Nothing like a good tragedy for self-promotion!

After the great repercussion and success that Instagram model Kaylen Ward achieved with her “Naked Philanthropist”, it didn’t take long for new models to also realize that the tragedy of others is an incredible marketing and self-promotion tool.

Naked philanthropy spreads and new models join Nothing like a

Australia’s wildfires have raged for months and have destroyed 14.8 million acres, killing thousands of animals, displacing thousands of families from their homes and killing at least 20 people. A scenario as tragic as it is perfect for opportunists to “do good” and improve and publicize their image. Strategy is as old as the first profession. It is perfectly used by large corporations to, in addition to self-promotion, also evade taxes and camouflage crimes of the most varied order. No, I’m not saying these beautiful girls are criminals. Of course not! Just seeing a good way to self-promote and feeling generous.

Nana Gouveia, in 2012, posing for photos after Hurricane Sandy, in New York.

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