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Research shows how much escorts cost throughout Brazil

Research shows how much escorts cost throughout Brazil

A direct survey of 2,219 readers, titled ‘How much does a prostitute cost in your city?’, revealed the average values ​​of how much escorts cost in Brazil. Sex workers were divided into three categories: ‘Luxury escort’, ‘Brothel escort’ and ‘Street escort’. The results were obtained with people from all 26 states and the Federal District.

‘Luxury escort’

Luxury escorts are usually those hired through specialized websites and applications. They work in luxury flats or in the clients’ homes. A total of 1,427 responses were obtained from all over Brazil for the values ​​in this category, which together gave an average cost of R$ 290.12 per companion. In the graph below, it is possible to see that the most “expensive” state is Pará (R$ 386.11) and the “cheapest” is Roraima (R$ 210.00):

17 Brazilian states have luxury escorts who charge prices below the national average (R$ 295.32).

‘Brothel escort’

Brothel escorts are those present in brothels and American bars. A total of 1,418 responses were obtained from all over Brazil for the values ​​in this category, which together gave an average cost of R$ 149.36 per companion. In the graph below, it is possible to see that the most “expensive” state is Acre (R$ 350.00) and the “cheapest” is Paraíba (R$ 96.42):

16 Brazilian states have luxury escorts who charge prices below the national average (R$ 149.36).

‘Street escort’

The street escort is the street corner professional. A total of 1,176 responses were obtained from all over Brazil for the values ​​in this category, which together gave an average cost of R$ 90.22 per companion. In the graph below, it is possible to observe that the most “expensive” state is Mato Grosso (R$ 117.50) and the “cheapest” is Alagoas (R$ 65.00):

15 Brazilian states have luxury escorts who charge prices below the national average (R$ 90.22).

Top 10 most “expensive” capitals in Brazil in terms of luxury escorts:

Belém, in Pará, is the Brazilian capital with the highest average cost per luxury companion (R$ 416.66)

Palmas in Tocantins, has the average cost of more “affordable” companions, with the value of R$227.77.

Sweetlicious readers answered other questions regarding escorts, check out the results:

For 60.6% of the survey participants, the best way to hire a companion is via the website:

48.9% of survey participants have a preference for blondes:

With regard to the companion’s physique, most say they do not have a defined preference:

50.6% of survey participants revealed that they spend money on companions every month. Among them, the average spend between R$100 and R$250 is the most common:

Do luxury escorts have better attributes than a woman who doesn’t pay for sex? Respondents answered whether the best sex they had was with companions, for the vast majority, sex with an unpaid woman was even better:

It is important to emphasize that these values ​​were obtained through a survey with people from different locations throughout Brazil and according to their personal experiences. It is not valid as a price list for luxury, brothel and street escorts.

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