
Saa Sullivan – A chameleon of sensuality

  • Name: Get Sullivan
  • Age: 19 years old
  • City: Curitiba (PR)
  • Instagram: @saasullivan
  • Twitter: @saasullivan

Get Sullivan

Full of freedom and does not measure efforts to be natural, Saa Sullivan proves that she lives under phenomenal essences. She loves to explore her sensuality as hopeful of Suicide Girls, our muse from Curitiba made sure to register her mark in a glorious test as Testosterona Girls.

What do you work with and for how long?

I work at a veterinary clinic at the moment in the reception part.

Sam Sullivan, how would you define yourself?

I would define myself as a chameleon, because I can easily adapt well to environments I’ve never been in and live with unknown people.

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my spare time I like to sleep, spend time with my cats, watch movies and series and cook

When and why did you decide to start working on your sensual side?

From a very early age I discovered that I liked to show my sensual side and then I started to like and dedicate myself to photographing in provocative poses.

Do you consider yourself an exhibitionist?

In a way yes, as much as I consider myself a shy person, I like to show off in sensual and provocative photos.

Have you ever suffered any prejudice for this?

Yes, I have already suffered prejudice because I like to appear on social networks in a more sensual way, to be more daring, different from what people are used to seeing and I think that there is still a lot of prejudice with this type of work, because it is something that for a long time has always it was a very big taboo, and most of the time it is not recognized as work and is seen with bad eyes.

What was the place where you most enjoyed photographing?

The place that I most enjoyed photographing so far was the rehearsal I did for the website, a good photographer, a pleasant and calm environment.

Do you have any professional dreams?

I am a very indecisive person, but so far the only idea that prevails and that I can call it a “dream” is to gain great visibility and recognition with sensual essays and this to be seen without prejudice by people.

Who are your inspirations and references?

The influences and inspirations for enjoying sensual shoots undoubtedly came from the pin ups that I’ve always admired and are very well known in the male universe, which I’ve always wanted to be a part of since the moment I had contact for the first time.

Do you have a fetish you can tell us about?

Well, I’m not sure if it’s a fetish, but what dismantles me at the time of sex is reciprocity, the domination and submission of both, nothing better when both want each other and they both make it happen (everything lol) in the most pleasant as possible…

How is your relationship with your fans/followers?

My relationship with my followers is reciprocal to what they write to me, if they treat me well and praise me they will be treated well, now if it’s cute it will be cute too…

Is there anything you’ve always wanted to say but never had the chance?

I think so far something I’ve always wanted to say is that you shouldn’t be afraid of what others will think, be intense, be crazy, enjoy everything life has to offer, be ashamed, laugh, cry, but never forget to be free.

What kind of music do you like to listen to?

I really like indie, old school rock and heavy metal.

What song can’t be missing from a playlist to have sex?

The song that cannot be missing from my playlist is Jessie Ware – Meet Me In The Middle I love it, I find it very sensual.

Indicate a movie and/or a series that you love

A series that had a strong impact on my childhood and which I highly recommend is Adventure Time animation, as it talks about parallel realities, kingdoms, monsters and heroes with strange animals, everything that stirs the imagination a lot and leaves one thinking if you look at it from the side of mysticism. (What kind of trip is this? LOL).

Did you like the result of the photos for the Blog? Did you feel good?

Despite being a little nervous, I did like the result of the rehearsal photos.

Did you know Testosterone how?

I got to know Testosterone through an acquaintance, I found it fascinating and soon wanted to be a part of it.

Is there a blog post that marked you?

In reality, all Testosterone tests are remarkable, so it’s difficult to choose one to mention.

What do you like most about the blog?

What I like most about the blog is the way that the alternative woman is enhanced in a sexy way without being vulgar and without having a physical pattern to be able to participate, where everyone can be a part of it and thus making the male imagination go far beyond…

What’s the secret to winning you over?

The secret to conquering me is to be a little crazy, affectionate, be naughty and give that tea hehehe.

What qualities do you most admire in people?

What I admire most about people is that they are true and respectful.

Leave a message for our readers

A message for everyone is not to be afraid/ashamed of being yourself, life is too short to limit yourself to other people’s opinions, be yourself ❤️

Meet the photographer of this shoot

  • Name:Alessandro Koizumi
  • Age: 50 years
  • Instagram: @alefotoboudoir

Since when do you photograph sensual shoots?

Since 2012.

Is it your main job or hobby?


Is there prejudice against photographers and models who make sensual content in your opinion?

Yes, there are plenty.

Do you have a photo project you want to share with us?

I have with the main swimmers of the country.

What do you consider to be the biggest challenge in making sexy photos?

Make the model relaxed.

What was it like taking the photos for this shoot?

Very good!

Indicate someone from the environment that you admire the work

Alexandre Ribeiro and Drauzio Tuzzulo.

Saa Sullivan – A chameleon of sensuality 21

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