
Tamara – Chef, model, MMA expert and a hottie!

Name: Tamara Quaresma (Tammy)
Instagram: @tamarap.q

Chef, Model, MMA expert and a hottie! Tamara does everything, including leaving you speechless

Throw the stereotype of MMA out the window, the fight goes beyond punches and kicks, the understanding that the world is completely different from what they’ve always put in front of you needs to be seen. Tamara is a mix of everything you will love in life, connected to sports, a beast in the kitchen, pure charisma and to top it off… She is stunning

Tamara Lent

Tamara – Chef, model, MMA expert and a hottie! 6

He doubts? Check out what Tamara Quaresma is all about

We had a chat with this beauty who, between tattoos and fights, breaks through the sports world, check it out!

Tamara, how did you start to like MMA and what does it represent in your life?

Tamara Quaresma: I remember when I was little, my father watched boxing and he also liked Rocky Balboa movies a lot, so I was always following along with him. Over the years, MMA gained strength and whenever I could I followed the fights, much less than before, after all we are growing and the priorities of before are being put aside. Until in 2017 I met my excellent wife who is a professional MMA fighter, so I got back in touch with this world but I stopped being just a viewer and started to live the world of fighting through her. And nowadays I can say with priority that I live and breathe martial arts 24 hours a day.

You are a model, you work with MMA among other projects, what will become of Tamara’s future?

Tamara Quaresma: I’ve been a chef for 20 years, it’s my main source of income, but I have a project to finish my cycle in the kitchen this year and dedicate myself to 100% mma. I want to have more time to create materials and study more about the martial arts, as well as having more time to rehearse and re-enter tattoo contests.

What do you crave most in life?

Above all, mental health, peace and of course, financial stability, after all, in the current situation in which we live, reality is crueler than you imagine. Nowadays, those who have peace and mental health have 80% of the way covered.

Tamara – Chef, model, MMA expert and a hottie! 7

What is the moment in MMA that marked you the most?

Tamara Quaresma: MMA is unpredictable, each athlete has their own peculiarities, which is why it is so fascinating. But surely the killer’s victory in the contender was the apex. In a matter of seconds, a movie plays in her mind, all the difficulties she went through, the candy sales at the sign to buy training material, the weight loss, the insane workouts, the negative messages. She put it all together and turned it into fuel to pursue what she and many athletes aspire to, which is the contract with the UFC. And she did it masterfully.

Tamara – Chef, model, MMA expert and a hottie! 8

It’s my friends, still can’t believe your eyes? Stay tuned because a close friends of this amazing person is coming! To learn more about her, Insta and her articles on MMA Premium speak for themselves.

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