
Tati Weg – A spectacular woman!

The powerful Tati Weg went through many professional areas, the Santa Catarina native discovered how a producer of sensual content is a shining brilliance. This new sexworker life has never been so hectic and open to new opportunities to discover even more sexuality. Nowadays everyone searches for tati weg porno and tati weg onlyfans on google. I wonder why?

  • Name: Tatiane Wegrnen (Tati)
  • Age: 36 years
  • City: Born in Porto União/Sc
  • Instagram: @tatiweg
  • Twitter: @tatiweg.intimate



We had a super relaxed chat about this new life, how it deals with all the challenges and achievements that border on its charm.

Tati Road, To start, tell us a little about your trajectory, how long have you been working with adult content production and how did you get into this business?

I started working with adult content on April 1st of this year 2021. And yes, my mom thought it was a lie, but it became the biggest truth of my life, because I finally found myself. My professional life began in the public service, at a very young age I passed the contest of the Military Police of the State of Santa Catarina, which I remained as Sergeant for approximately ten years.

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At that time, I studied Law, and in the third year I gave up the dream of becoming a magistrate because I fell in love with law, which is why I asked for the licensing of my position, to be a lawyer. I went to graduate school and soon managed to make a childhood dream come true, for three years I was a university professor. I have always developed my activities with a lot of passion, and when I no longer feel motivated at work, I seek change. It was like that with the production of sensual content.

The stress of activities as a lawyer and teacher in the midst of a pandemic, made me want to work with something light, tasty, pleasurable, but that also had a good financial return. The last year was one of discoveries in the field of my sexuality, I consider that I started to allow myself much more. In this game, one thing led to another, I met people who were happy working with sensual content, and I was very excited. I spent a few months imagining what it would be like and found that I could find pleasure in this activity. Still thinking about it, I experienced the accidental leak of a half-naked photo of myself, that’s when I was sure, yes, I can handle this exposure, and, yes, I want to experience this.

Tati Weg – A spectacular woman! 18

What do you like most about your work as a WebModel? And what do you not like? Is it your main activity today?

I feel pleasure producing content, literally, by the way. This is the main positive aspect. How many people spend their lives wanting to work on something they really enjoy, but can’t or won’t allow it. However, nothing is ever free, and the activity also takes its toll. Although I felt much more welcomed than judged, prejudice exists, and it is strong in a conservative country like ours, so much so that the direct association that many people make is that I do a program. Explaining that I don’t do it, and that this relationship is unjustifiable, annoys me a little. I simply chose to economically exploit my image, my appearance in a sensual way. Actresses do that in the movies and today they are applauded, but it wasn’t always like that. Everything is a process. Another thing that annoys me is piracy.

Of course, some level of undue sharing can bring popularity, and that’s good for business, but it exposes too much, involves family members, creates unnecessary embarrassment, that is, in an ideal situation, it shouldn’t happen. As for the financial aspect, content production is still not my main activity, although it is already considered only the time factor I dedicate, which is practically integral. I believe that in a few months it will also be the main source of income.

Tati Road, what is it like for you, the feeling of being wanted by so many people? Do you consider yourself an exhibitionist?

My content is exclusively virtual, a fantasy. It’s what I want to be, a fantasy or an inspiration. Desire is a consequence that is in the other, out of my control. My goal is not to be desired, I don’t do this to prove anything to anyone, so I believe that it’s not necessarily desired that I feel when I perceive some harassment.

In fact, I use it as a thermometer for the production of content and abstraction. Now, as for being an exhibitionist, yes, I consider myself, and, for me, the pleasure I feel when exposing myself does not depend on the reaction I cause in the other, but on the simple existence of the other, so being desired is something expendable for me in this activity. Of course I love being wanted in my personal life.


Tell us what your work routine is like?

Amazing in that first month. When I woke up that day, I had no idea that at night I would be releasing my profile for sensual content. And, from the moment I published the first advertisement inviting me to subscribe, my life changed. The first night I didn’t sleep, I spent the night and the next day interacting, receiving subscribers.

On the second I went to sleep, it was already dawn, and so several days, many of them with a single meal. My focus was fully dedicated to my launch. I did and do everything myself, from marketing, content, editing, management, administration of this business that in a few days was already a company. Now I need to professionalize it and grow. Anyway, I need to organize my routine so that in a few hours of the day I’m full to produce the content, and, in the rest, willing to make it happen behind the scenes.

Tati Road, Do you follow a posting schedule and where do you get the ideas for your photos from?

I don’t. I still don’t have a set routine and schedule. Content happens. I consider myself a very sexual person, I feel that my energy is related to sexuality. It’s very natural to sensualize anything, and as it makes me feel good, creativity always comes out.

What I actually have is a well-defined purpose. With my content, I want to free the mentality of men and women, so that everyone can have a more satisfying sex life, whether for the motivation or inspiration I can provide.

What sensations influence your content production?

I realized that the stress of bureaucratic issues reduces my enthusiasm for producing content. This is something that I need to resolve soon, to be whole for what really matters.

Tati Road, what has changed in your life since you started working as a sex worker? Did people support you?

I can say that I am a happier and more authentic person now. Freedom has enormous transformative power. In general, people supported me and are supporting me. I realize that many women are fulfilled for me, others put in my initiative the hope that in the near future women will be freer and more respected for their choices, whatever they may be.

This is all very good, I have the feeling that, in addition to doing something pleasurable and profitable for me, I can be somehow contributing to the emancipation of other people. I’d like to talk about empowerment from my experience, but this is a hot topic in the realm of feminism, so I’ll reserve it for a later opportunity.

Important to talk about my family’s reaction. My mother was concerned that I was safe and that the decision would not cause me regrets in the future, as I demonstrated that I am prepared, she reassured herself. My brother was very upset when people inappropriately shared my content, but he stated that it is my decision and that I will have his support whatever I want. The most delicate situation is that of my father. Granted, no parent is prepared for that level of exposure from a daughter, or son, but he did what only the best do, a dedication saying that while he didn’t agree, he was accepting it because he loves me. I am a blessed person.


Have you suffered any prejudice for your work? How do you see dealing with it?

I still haven’t felt. To suffer prejudice is to be excluded, differentiated according to something. In my situation, either I haven’t had time for prejudiced people to discriminate against me, or I haven’t exposed myself to situations with that potential. I believe that when it happens I will be prepared to face it, which does not mean that it will not generate some suffering.

Tati Road, there is in your mind the need to expand your content to other media like Onlyfans.

The more visibility, the greater the profitability. I intend to expand to all possible media, including Onlyfans, but for now, I’m just on Instagram, making content available on my Close Friends as well as my Telegram channel to find tati weg porno.

What is the dream you want to fulfill?

Today my dream is to succeed as a sensual model. All my focus and energy is on this.

Who are the sexworkers that inspire you?

The girls who inspire me the most are Sarah Caus, my countryman Jeniffer Leite, Ana Otani, Letsgab and Maikelly, they all have a lot to teach, they are the ones I know and follow the most.

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The space is all yours, leave a final message for our readers.

I have come across people who, when they receive the offer of my content, even though they follow me and enjoy my work, respond that they don’t need it, that they don’t need to pay for it. Well, it’s not about needing, I know that everyone has their real opportunities, it’s about wanting and being able to get out of the routine a little, get motivated with a fantasy, find inspiration. It’s about entertainment. I believe that this prejudiced mentality is inevitably present in the lives of people like this, who fail to enjoy the best that life can offer them.


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