
The Sex Doll That Is a Human Clone

It is not new that sex has surpassed other barriers, look at the sex doll created recently, funny that every year with the addition of new technologies the dolls are more and more realistic and close to the complete human feature.


DS Dolls, responsible for sex toys, has completed a sex doll prototype that is close to 99% similarity with the country’s famous model Qinweiyingjie.

The company specializes in fusing robotics with sex toys, as well as being a major innovator in the sex doll market, dominant in the US and UK market.

The sex doll model was a creation in partnership with Chinese artist Wanimal, the resemblance to Qinweiyingjie is frightening, a true clone, as the body proportions are close to 0.03 millimeters of precision.

“The plan going forward is not to limit it to celebrities only, but to allow anyone to make an exact replica of themselves or perhaps a loved one, exactly as they are, to take a picture of themselves and preserve their unique beauty and appearance. ”said Louie Love, who owns a sex doll shop in the US, to the Daily Sun website.

The price of sex dolls reach 3,000 pounds (20,000 reais). Due to the silicone, each doll can last up to 50 years. The dolls are able to sing, dance and talk to people, practically an android (Blade Runner sends hugs).

The Sex Doll That Is a Human Clone 4

“We have some amazing dolls for sale, but Qinweiyingjie takes the cake. Many dolls are based on human models, but the sculpture is usually altered after initial measurements and fine details are painted on afterwards to give the impression of realism.” Louie explained.

Sex dolls are getting closer and closer to the human appearance, he questions what the future of humanity will be like, people’s dependence on technology that will possibly distance them from human relationships.

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