
What is Bukkake? Discover Bukkake Premium


What is bukkake? It is a Japanese term that means “the act of splashing water”. But popularly, the expression refers to the act where a group of men surround a woman and masturbate, until they ejaculate on her face. Also meet the premium bukkake.


What is Bukkake? Discover Bukkake Premium 6

Well, there are nearly 11,500 videos on Pornhub currently tagged as “bukkake”. In other words, success! The practice became a fetish in the late 1990s, with several Western productions dedicated to the genre. Porn videos are a relatively prevalent niche in contemporary porn movies and porn sites. Originating in Japan in the 1980s, the film genre later spread across North America, the UK and Europe, and also crossed over into gay pornography.

What is Bukkake? Discover Bukkake Premium 7

what is bukkake

The most interesting thing is the similarity between the Japanese tradition of bukkake and the western tradition of throwing rice to the spouses, both represent an important moment in the celebration of marriage and have the function of wishing the couple happiness and prosperity. I’ll explain the similarity: The bukkake was an ancient fertility ritual performed after a marriage, to ensure a long and prosperous life for the couple. The bride was covered in sperm by all the men who attended the wedding. In this way, they honored the bride who had become an adult woman, with all the rights and duties resulting from this elevation of status.

What is Bukkake? Discover Bukkake Premium 8

Bukkake as a form of punishment for adultery

There is also some documentation that Bukkake was a punishment in Feudal Japan from the 12th to the 19th century. A wife accused of adultery was punished by having a group of men ejaculate in her face. Bukkake was rarely part of the law. It was more of a folk tradition practiced in remote villages. If a husband suspected his wife of being unfaithful, he and his friends would take her to a remote area. Then they would all throw their semen in her face and open her mouth. I found it interesting!! (laughter).


The adulteress was also sometimes led through the village naked, before being tied up. Men would then dishonor her by unloading on her face and naked body. At other times, the adulteress was led downtown and tied to a post on her knees. All the men in the village took turns masturbating her. Sometimes paper screens were used to shield the males so that only the adulteress could be seen. It is said that the large amount of semen sometimes drowned the girl. The adulteress could also be buried up to her neck in the earth, and the men of the village would gather in a circle around her. They would masturbate and throw their load on her.

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In the end, her husband would throw his semen in her face. It is interesting to note the similarity of this version of the tradition to the practice in the Middle East that continues to this day of burying an adulterous woman with only her head above the ground and stoning her to death. brutal. The name is: The Stoning of Soraya M. (2008). Well, there is a vast amount of information about this act, it is not possible to know if all of them are true, referring to the rituals. But it’s still curious, right?


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Bukkake Premium

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